Why isn’t my method called? Unraveling the Mystery of .NET MAUI and DevExpress AgendaView
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Why isn’t my method called? Unraveling the Mystery of .NET MAUI and DevExpress AgendaView

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Hello, fellow .NET MAUI enthusiasts! Are you tired of wondering why your method just won’t get called when using DevExpress AgendaView? Well, wonder no more! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll dive into the world of .NET MAUI and DevExpress AgendaView, exploring the common pitfalls and providing you with actionable solutions to get your methods called in no time!

What is DevExpress AgendaView?

DevExpress AgendaView is a powerful control in Xamarin.Forms (and now .NET MAUI) that allows you to create a calendar-like interface for scheduling and event management. It’s an essential component for any application that requires users to book appointments, meetings, or reservations. However, as with any complex component, it can be a bit finicky when it comes to event handling.

The Symptoms: Method Not Called

You’ve written your method, attached it to the AgendaView’s event handler, and yet… nothing happens. No errors, no warnings, just a deafening silence. You’ve checked the code a thousand times, but that method just refuses to get called. Sound familiar?

Possible Reasons Why Your Method Isn’t Called

Before we dive into the solutions, let’s identify the common culprits behind this frustrating issue:

  • Incorrect Event Handler Attachment: Perhaps you haven’t attached the event handler correctly, or the handler is not properly registered.
  • Method Signature Mismatch: The method signature might not match the expected delegate signature, causing the event to not be triggered.
  • DevExpress AgendaView Configuration: The AgendaView might not be properly configured, leading to events not being fired.
  • Thread-Related Issues: Your method might be running on a different thread, causing the event to not be triggered.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: .NET MAUI and Xamarin.Forms have different event handling mechanisms, which can lead to compatibility issues.

Solution 1: Verify Event Handler Attachment

Let’s start with the basics. Make sure you’ve attached the event handler correctly:


<dxag:AgendaView x:Name="agendaView" 

In the code above, we’ve attached the `AppointmentItemClick` event handler to the `AgendaView` control. Ensure that the event handler is properly registered and matches the delegate signature.

Solution 2: Check Method Signature

Verify that your method signature matches the expected delegate signature:

void AgendaView_AppointmentItemClick(object sender, AppointmentItemClickEventArgs e)
    // Your code here

In this example, the `AgendaView_AppointmentItemClick` method signature matches the `AppointmentItemClickEventArgs` delegate signature. Double-check that your method signature is correct.

Solution 3: Configure DevExpress AgendaView

Ensure that the AgendaView is properly configured:

<dxag:AgendaView x:Name="agendaView" 
                  AppointmentDataSource="{Binding Appointments}" 
                  DisplayDate="{Binding DisplayDate}" 

In this example, we’ve set the `AppointmentDataSource` and `DisplayDate` properties, which are essential for the AgendaView to function correctly. Make sure you’ve configured the AgendaView according to your requirements.

If your method is running on a different thread, use the `Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread` method to marshal the call to the main thread:

Device.BeginInvokeOnMainThread(() => {
    // Your code here

This ensures that your method is executed on the main thread, allowing the event to be triggered correctly.

Solution 5: Ensure Cross-Platform Compatibility

When working with .NET MAUI and Xamarin.Forms, it’s essential to ensure cross-platform compatibility:

using Xamarin.Forms;
using Xamarin.Forms.Platform.iOS;
using Xamarin.Forms.Platform.Android;

// ...

public class MainPage : ContentPage
    public MainPage()

        // Attach event handler
        agendaView.AppointmentItemClick += AgendaView_AppointmentItemClick;

    void AgendaView_AppointmentItemClick(object sender, AppointmentItemClickEventArgs e)
        // Your code here

In this example, we’ve attached the event handler in the page’s constructor, ensuring that it’s properly registered across all platforms.


There you have it, folks! By following these solutions, you should be able to identify and resolve the issues preventing your method from being called. Whether it’s incorrect event handler attachment, method signature mismatch, or thread-related issues, we’ve covered the most common pitfalls and provided you with actionable solutions.

Remember, .NET MAUI and DevExpress AgendaView are powerful tools that require careful configuration and attention to detail. By mastering these tools, you’ll be able to create stunning, feature-rich applications that delight your users.

Additional Resources

For further guidance and support, refer to the following resources:

Now, go forth and conquer the world of .NET MAUI and DevExpress AgendaView! If you have any questions or need further assistance, don’t hesitate to ask.

Event Handler Description
AppointmentItemClick Occurs when an appointment item is clicked.
AppointmentItemDoubleClick Occurs when an appointment item is double-clicked.
AppointmentItemLongPress Occurs when an appointment item is long-pressed.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ve explored the common issues that can prevent your methods from being called when using DevExpress AgendaView in .NET MAUI. By following the solutions and best practices outlined above, you’ll be well on your way to creating robust, feature-rich applications that delight your users.

Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Stuck on why your method isn’t being called in .NET MAUI and DevExpress AgendaView? We’ve got you covered! Here are the top 5 questions and answers to help you troubleshoot the issue.

Q1: Is my event handler properly attached to the AgendaView?

Make sure you’ve attached the event handler to the AgendaView in your XAML file or code-behind. Check if the event handler is correctly assigned to the corresponding event, such as Tap or SelectionChanged.

Q2: Are there any syntax errors in my XAML or code-behind?

Take a closer look at your XAML file and code-behind for any syntax errors or typos. A single mistake can prevent the method from being called. Try rebuilding your project or checking the Output window for error messages.

Q3: Is my method marked as private or internal?

Ensure that your method is marked as public, as private or internal methods won’t be called by the AgendaView. If you need to keep the method private, consider using a command or a different approach.

Q4: Are there any other event handlers or commands overriding my method?

Check if there are other event handlers or commands that might be overriding your method. You can use the DevExpress AgendaView’s built-in debugging tools or set breakpoints to identify the issue.

Q5: Have I tried cleaning and rebuilding my project?

Sometimes, a simple clean and rebuild can resolve the issue. Try cleaning your project, then rebuild it to ensure that all dependencies and references are up-to-date. This might just do the trick!

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